Paleo Diet Basics and Some Do's and Don'ts

The Paleo Diet is nothing but our ancestor/caveman diet; eating meat, fruits, and vegetables which are available in an organic and natural way. There is a set of do's and don'ts to adhere to while following the Paleo diet. For the people who wanted to know about the do's and don'ts of the Paleo diet, here are the strict rules: Grow to be carnivores: Paleo suggests we eat a variety of meat ranging from red meat, seafood to eggs which contains moderate to high amount of animal protein. However, you must be cautious while taking in meat; if you are an athlete or a hard worker, eating high animal protein is recommended, else it is always better to stick with lean meat and a moderate amount of proteins. Say 'Yes' to vegetables: Eat plenty of vegetables. It is advisable to have fresh and organic vegetables and avoid frozen food. Vegetables can be taken in raw, half-cooked, or even fully cooked. Always it is better to maintain tubers to a minimum as they contribute mor...